Sunday, July 1

"I'll hold your hand, my dear"

Like most of the eastern coast, it's been a hot and muggy 100 degrees for the past few days.  And if it isn't heat, it's tornadoes and thunderstorms.  There isn't much one can do in this type of weather, so I've been cooped inside.  I hadn't mentioned this earlier, but I bought a pair of corduroy merlot jeans from Goodwill a week ago for $4.  And as per usual, I cut them into shorts and hemmed them.  I think I'm getting better with simple hems.

But I've also been looking up new music and in my stumbling around, I've found the Narnia of Youtube, "the other side of Youtube."  It's a bit odd to me; it's like everyone's under some sort of spell.  Everyone's so excited to have found this "other side of Youtube," there are no 'typical Youtube arguments,' and the music's just good.  It's as simple as that.

In my search, I came across the Swiss-German group, Boy.  They're two girls; their songs are so calming and the singer's voice is really special.

Fitting; it's called "July."

"Drive Darling (Mahogany Sessions)" Boy

One of my closest friends from home visited me yesterday.  :)  We hung out, caught up, and watched movies.  "Midnight in Paris," which is amazing and gorgeous, my roommate will probably be happy to know that I finally saw it, and "Drive," an action film starring Ryan Gosling.  It sounds strange, but it was surprisingly very good.  So thumbs up to both movies.  Also..we made butterscotch and chocolate haystacks, I couldn't resist.  Delicious, but probably not the most healthy snack choice for a movie.

Currently listening to: Boy, of course


  1. Midnight in Paris!!!!! yay!!! also what is with you and your incredible luck at finding goodwill corduroys? Jealous. How was the tornado? I got 6 voicemails and 4 emails telling me to get under a table.

    1. Honestly, I think I just go to Goodwill too often..haha. But the weather was pretty crazy for about an hour a couple nights ago. My friend from home visited me and we pulled chairs out on our porch and watched the storm. There was a lot of lightning and some hail, so I'd say it was a pretty solid storm. Haha, but I got so many WM alerts.
